Friday, March 22, 2013

Sugar/Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cupcakes

I have a friend that recently found out she could no longer eat gluten. When I began talking to her about this change I realized how much I take gluten foods for granted in my diet. I decided to try my hand at gluten baking and experimenting. This is one of the recipes that I enjoyed and came up with. I also made it sugar free as well in my effort to use less refined sugar.
One other fun thing about this recipe is that you can change the presentation of your desserts to make them look more exciting and enjoyable. In this recipe I decided to use a little cupcake pan because it gave them more personality and made them unique. You can just make them normally but its fun to get creative with your cooking. So even if you don't use this recipe maybe try using a cupcake pan next time you decide to make cookies, cupcakes, brownies, or whatever your heart desires:) 

I just used a blender to grind my oats down into flour. 

This is the melted butter, peanut butter, mashed banana, and honey creamed together. 

All ingredients without sour cream/yogurt

With greek yogurt (you can see it is a little more moist) 

Before baking:) 

After baked:) 

Chocolate frosting that I used to frost the cupcakes.

1 mashed banana
1/4 cup honey (if you want low sugar add 1/2 cup brown sugar and 1/2 cup of white sugar) 
2 eggs 
*optional (some people don't like the flavor but it will make them a little more moist) 5-6 oz greek yogurt (vanilla or plain) (could also use sour cream) 
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup butter
1 t vanilla 
1 cup ground oats
1 cup brown rice flour (if you don't need to cook gluten free use normal flour)
1 t baking powder 
1/2 t baking soda 
1/4-1/2 teaspoon salt (depends on whether you use salted peanut butter)

1. mix all dry ingredients in a separate bowl 
2. melt butter and then mix in peanut butter, honey, banana, yogurt, vanilla, and eggs in that order:) 
3. mix dry and wet ingredients together
4. Bake at 350 for 8 minutes

Optional Chocolate Frosting: (you could also use your own favorite chocolate frosting recipe this is just an easy one I use when I run out of coco powder)
1/4 cup of butter melted with 1/2 cup of chocolate chips. Add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla and a few Tablespoons of milk. Add 1- 1&1/2 cups powdered sugar. (it depends on the consistency you desire)  

Other Super Yummy options include:
Making them into bars by adding chocolate chips and 2/3 cup brown and 1/2 cup white sugar. You will have to cook them for 20-25 minutes depending on whether you use a 9X13 or 8X8. When I made them I made a dozen or so mini cupcakes and then added the chocolate chips and made the rest into bars. When I made them into bars I frosted them about 3/4 of the way through and let them finish cooking with the frosting on top but I also turned off the oven and let them stay in a little longer while the oven cooled down. This made them super chocolatey and almost like a half brownie half peanut butter blondie. I really like this option if you are okay with using sugar.....:) 
You can see how baking the frosting on a low heat into the bar makes it look almost like a brownie but the bottom is really a peanut butter gooey goodness:) This was my favorite way to enjoy the bars but it does involve sugar:) 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Whole Wheat German Chocolate Brownies

So I have decided that there is just something about chocolate that makes almost everyone happy, and it compliments a wide variety of foods including coconut and caramel. Everyone has their preferences. Some people enjoy only milk chocolate, semi-sweet, or dark while others love just a small amount of chocolate compared to those who love a lot (chocoholics). I happen to love chocolate! I would not say its my favorite food but I definitely enjoy eating it:) I decided to make a slightly healthier brownie recipe and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have:) Enjoy..................

Coconut Caramel Frosting 

I grated white chocolate savings over my coconut frosting. 

I also melted just a few chocolate chips in the microwave to sprinkle on top. 

Final Product looks amazing! Yum!

1/2 cup of butter
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup applesauce
1/4 cup of milk
3/4 cup plain greek yogurt (or sour cream)
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups wheat flour (white wheat works well)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

1. Melt the butter and mix the cocoa powder in with the butter.
2. Mix in sugar, milk, and applesauce.
3. Mix in vanilla and eggs and yogurt.
4. Stir in flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt at the same time.
5. pour into a greased 9X13 pan
6. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes

1 cup coconut
1/2 caramel ice cream topping
1/2 cup-1cup powdered sugar (to your like and taste)
1 T milk
I placed coconut frosting on top fresh out of the oven.
I grated white chocolate and then swirled melted chocolate chips on top for decoration.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Healthy Pumpkin Bars with Browned Butter Glaze

I know pumpkin is a little out of season right now, but I just happen to love pumpkin so I decided I am going to use it anyway!!! This recipe is a little spin on your normal pumpkin bars because I altered ingredients in order to create a more healthy bar. The browned butter frosting is not "healthy" but it is so delicious you will want to try it anyways. I hope you enjoy these as much as I have:)

Pumpkin Bar Ingredients:

2 cups whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup applesauce (in place of 1/2 cup of oil/margarine/butter)
6 oz plain greek yogurt (in place of sour cream )
2 eggs
1/2 cup brown sugar (for sweeter use 3/4 cup)
1/2 cup white sugar (for sweeter use 3/4 cup)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 can of pumpkin (15 ounce)
optional 1-2 cups of chocolate chips

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. cream together applesauce, yogurt and sugar
3. Add in eggs, vanilla, and cinnamon then mix
4. Add flour,baking soda, baking powder, and salt at the same time (you can sift these together)
5. Mix in canned pumpkin and chocolate chips if you desire
6. Grease whatever pan you are going to use with cooking spray
6. Pour into a 9X13 pan for thicker bars and bake for 35 min (your oven may cook faster or slower)
6. Pour into a cookie sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes depending on how fast your oven cooks:)

Browned Butter Frosting:
1. in a frying pan on medium low heat melt and slightly brown a 1/2 cup of butter
2. place butter in a mixing bowl and then add 2 cups of powdered sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, 3 T milk
3. Pour over top fresh out of the oven

*use cream cheese frosting on top instead of browned butter frosting
*use the optional butter and extra sugar listed on the recipe
*you could use a sugar replacement for the white sugar if you really desire

Parmesan Spaghetti with Veggies

This is one of those quick, easy, and super delicious meals that you can prepare or use leftover to create in minutes. I had leftover spaghetti noodles but you can use any leftover plain pasta or you can cook fresh pasta as well:) Serve with a side salad and you will be good to go with a beautiful colors and food for everyone.

P.S. Sorry I forgot to take a picture of the actual dish but These are the veggies I used..........:)

1/2 pound - 1 pound of cooked pasta ( I used spaghetti)
2-4 T of olive oil
1/2 cup- 1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
2-3 cups frozen vegetables ( I used broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and peas)

1. Heat of olive oil in a frying pan on the stove.
2. cook noodles in the oil with frozen vegetables until they are thoroughly cooked and warmed
3. Add cheese and serve.

*extra veggies
*diced cooked/grilled chicken would be a wonderful addition
*whole wheat pasta

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Homemade Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream Cake

So.....I was in charge of making a homemade ice cream cake for one of my good friends birthday and this is what I came up with. I personally think its the best ice cream cake I have ever tasted and if you try it I hope you do to. The real secret to an amazing ice cream cake is amazing ice cream. So take that into account whenever you decide to make one:) Enjoy!!!!!!

I saved a little brownie batter to place in the middle layer of the cake. 
The layer I used as the base of my ice cream cake made out of brownie. 

First layer of ice cream.

Reese's Peanut Butter cups sprinkled on top (chopped up)

Middle Layer of Crumbled Brownie and Brownie Batter
 and Chopped  Peanut Butter Cups

Second Layer of Ice Cream 

The topping I used on top
Final Product with Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
chopped on top:) 

1 Package Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
1/2 gallon of Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream
1 package of brownie mix (prepared according to directions)
1 bottle of either chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, or I used Reese Peanut Butter topping

1. Bake 1/2 of the brownie mix according to package directions in two different 9X13 pans for 15-20 minutes (or if you don't have two like i didn't just use an 8X8 and you will have to crumble the second layer instead placing it)
2. Let the ice cream soften and place half of the softened ice cream on top of one of the layers of brownie.
3. Chop up the reeses peanut butter cups and place half of the chopped up pieces on top of the first layer of ice cream.
4. Either Place the 2nd brownie layer on top of the ice cream or crumble it on top. I crumbled it but you can place the second layer. If you use parchment paper then the brownie will come out the pan much easier for the second half. You can also save some of the batter and put some brownie batter with the crumbled brownie. This is what I did.
5. Put the rest of the softened ice cream on top of the second brownie layer.
6. spread either chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, or Reese's ice cream topping on top the the ice cream. Then sprinkle reeses peanut butter cups on top.
7. Put tin foil or plastic wrap on top and allow to sit in freezer for at least 24 hours for the best results.

Healthy Peanut Butter Bars with Chocolate Frosting!!!

Hey so in my opinion the two foods that go together best in this world are peanut butter and chocolate. I know not everyone agrees or even like peanut butter and chocolate but for those of you who do I understand. Generally peanut butter bars require a lot of butter, sugar, and peanut butter which are all delicious but not necessarily great for you in large amounts. I decided to make a bar that cut back on the butter and sugar and added whole grains to create some semblance of a healthy treat. But lets get real you want to be healthy but you also want dessert. So I say let yourself have a treat but just try to make it as healthy as you can!!!! I hope you enjoy these as much as I have:)

Cookie Base:
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup melted butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup ground oats (I used a blender)
1/2 teaspoon or a little less of salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 Tablespoon milk (can use a little more if it is too thick)

1. cream peanut butter, melted butter, and sugar
2. Mix in vanilla, eggs, and milk
3. Mix in all the dry ingredients (this is when you add an extra T milk if too thick)
-Pour into a 9 X 13 pan or really mush into because it will be a little like cookie dough
4. Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes (check after 15 just in case your oven cooks fast or you like them doughier)
-You can use an 8X8 pan like I did but you will have thicker bars and need to cook it an additional 5-10 minutes based on how your oven cooks. I chose to cook thick bars and cut them smaller. Its your decision so you can go either way.
5. Frost 5 min out of the oven

Icing (chocolate glaze): You can put a thicker frosting on but I chose to just glaze it fresh out of the oven)
1 cup powdered sugar
2 T melted butter
1/4-1/2 cup melted chocolate chips
a few tablespoons of milk to desired consistency
-If you want real icing use a different recipe because this is meant to melt on top as a glaze.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Healthy Banana Freezer Waffles

Okay so it seems like every morning I wake up late and end up eating the same things for breakfast. It would be nice every once in a while to have something I could just throw in the toaster or heat up really fast. So, I decided to try my hand at homemade freezer waffles. Since I had ripe bananas, I decided banana freezer waffles were perfect. Now, I created my waffles in a healthier fashion because I wanted them to be no sugar, low fat, and whole grain, but you can replace the ingredients with whatever you would like so don't be afraid to play around a little.... I hope you enjoy them:)

Healthy Style :
2 1/4 cups milk
4 T Honey
3 ripe bananas
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups whole wheat flour (white wheat is what I use)
1 cup ground oats
1 1/2 T cinnamon
4 T baking powder
2 T baking soda

Substitutes/ Additions:
*white flour or half and half with wheat
*brown sugar instead of honey (you can also add extra sugar for a sweeter taste); I don't put very much sweetener because I figure you put syrup on top but do as you please :)
*add two eggs
*1/4 cup canola oil or butter

1. Mix all the wet ingredients together.
2. Mix in all the dry ingredients at the same time and stir.
3. Don't over mix
4. Make waffles. (you will need a good amount of cooking spray or they will stick because they have no oil)
5. Allow them to cool on a drying rack or cookie sheet.
6. Freeze in the Freezer on a cookie sheet or some kind of tray for 30 min - 1 hour
7. Place in Freezer bags and put into the freezer.
8. Pop them out and use on any morning, afternoon, or night you please.