Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Healthy Banana Freezer Waffles

Okay so it seems like every morning I wake up late and end up eating the same things for breakfast. It would be nice every once in a while to have something I could just throw in the toaster or heat up really fast. So, I decided to try my hand at homemade freezer waffles. Since I had ripe bananas, I decided banana freezer waffles were perfect. Now, I created my waffles in a healthier fashion because I wanted them to be no sugar, low fat, and whole grain, but you can replace the ingredients with whatever you would like so don't be afraid to play around a little.... I hope you enjoy them:)

Healthy Style :
2 1/4 cups milk
4 T Honey
3 ripe bananas
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups whole wheat flour (white wheat is what I use)
1 cup ground oats
1 1/2 T cinnamon
4 T baking powder
2 T baking soda

Substitutes/ Additions:
*white flour or half and half with wheat
*brown sugar instead of honey (you can also add extra sugar for a sweeter taste); I don't put very much sweetener because I figure you put syrup on top but do as you please :)
*add two eggs
*1/4 cup canola oil or butter

1. Mix all the wet ingredients together.
2. Mix in all the dry ingredients at the same time and stir.
3. Don't over mix
4. Make waffles. (you will need a good amount of cooking spray or they will stick because they have no oil)
5. Allow them to cool on a drying rack or cookie sheet.
6. Freeze in the Freezer on a cookie sheet or some kind of tray for 30 min - 1 hour
7. Place in Freezer bags and put into the freezer.
8. Pop them out and use on any morning, afternoon, or night you please.

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